
Common sense after textile: Several elements to be controlled during shape production

After the fabric is woven into the finished product, in order to allow the fabric to have some special purposes, the fabric will be set up. Because after the fabric is fixed, the physical and chemical properties are relatively stable, such as: shrinkage, width, and latitude and weft density, and the cloth surface is relatively flat. However, due to the high shape temperature, you should pay attention to changes in the color before and after the setting, especially some sensitive colors, such as gray, military green, light khaki, etc., so generally pay attention to the color after the setting. At the same time, the setting can control the width, latitude and longitude density, shrinkage, etc. of the cloth, especially in terms of shrinkage, which directly affects processing costs. This also requires special attention.


Main process parameters and control

1. Formula

That is, the proportion of the use of the material, the use of the various chemicals in the ingredients, the feel, slippery, and color of the cloth surface after the decision to be determined.

2. Roll pressure

The roll pressure of the material when the setting determines the amount of liquid brought by the cloth, which has an important impact on the feel and color of the cloth surface.

3. Baketing temperature

The drying temperature during the setting is one of the main factors that affect the quality of the setting. Especially during the process of resin collation, the stereotype drying temperature has a great impact on the size of the fabric size. It is advisable to control the drying surface, and the drying temperature should not be too high, otherwise it will affect the feel of the fabric.

4. Super feed

The super -fed size directly affects the weft density of the fabric, thereby affecting the shrinkage performance of the fabric. At the same time, the tension should be properly prevented from rolling and weft diagonal in order to take into account the production of fabrics.

5. Width of the tension

The width width of the setting pulls determines the width of the fabric after the fabric, so that the width of the fixed fabric meets the process requirements, so that the width of the fabric will reach the customer’s requirements after the pre -reduction.


Hot -type process conditions

The heating type of fabric usually keeps the fabric a certain size. Under a certain temperature and humidity conditions, the process of heating for a certain period of time is then cooled. Therefore, the main process conditions of thermal type are not outside the temperature, time, tension and swelling agent.

1. Temperature

Temperature is the most important factor affecting the quality of thermal type. After the fabric is heated, the existence of the original wrinkles is eliminated, the surface flatness is improved, the size of the fabric is thermal stability, and other thermal performance is closely related to the height of the thermal type temperature.

2. Time

The setting time is another main process condition for hot fixed type. After the fabric enters the heating area, the time required for heating setting can be divided into the following parts:

2.1 After the fabric enters the heating area, heated the surface of the fabric to the time required to be heated.

2.2 After the surface of the fabric is reached to the set temperature, the fiber inside and outside the fabric has the same thermal penetration time required for the same setting temperature.

2.3 After the fabric reaches the set temperature, the molecules in the fiber will adjust the time required according to the setting conditions, or the time of molecular adjustment.

2.4 The fabric is out of the baking room to fix the size of the fabric to cool down, or the time required for cooling, or the cooling time.

Generally referred to the time for the time, often refers to the time required for the first three items, not including the fourth item. If the first item is regarded as a pre -heating effect, then the setting time only refers to the time required for the second and third items, that is, the time required for thermal penetration and molecular adjustment. Regarding the time required for heating and thermal penetration, the performance of the heat source, the weight of the area of the fabric unit, the thermal conductivity of the fiber, and the wet content of the fabric.

3, tension

During the heat -type process, the tension suffered from the fabric has a certain impact on the quality of the shape, including the size of the heating, strength, and breakdown, including the size of the fabric. The heating stability of the passing size increases with the increase of the over -feeding at the time of shape, while the heating stability of the weft dimension decreases with the degree of stretching of the door. The average single veil of the fabric after the setting is slightly improved than the unsatisfactory. After the setting, the fault and extension of the fabric decreases with the degree of extension, while the Jingxiang becomes larger as the super feeding increases.

Therefore, in order to allow the fabric to obtain a good size thermal stability and help improve the performance of the fabric, there should be appropriate super feeding when the thermal type is appropriate, and the extension of the weft should not be too high. For this reason, the large menstrual tension is not adopted in the previous treatment, so as to avoid excessive extension and forcing the weft to shrink, so that the final extension is needed.

3.1 The re -folding quantity of the molecular chain increases with the temperature of the heat treatment temperature:

3.2 Tiring tension hinder the folding of the molecular chain;

3.3 When the temperature is high, the effect of tension hindering the folding of the chain is greatly reduced. Tension has a significant effect on the fiber structure, and there is a close relationship between the fiber structure. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the control of tension during any setting process.

4. Swelling agent

Water has the function of “loose” fiber structure, which enhances the role of fluid -like motion of macromolecular chain. The plastic increase in the process of water in the process of thermal type affects the super molecular structure and physical properties of the fiber.


Set roll edge

1. Pull fixed

In the rolling slot of the setting machine, the soft collation can meet the customer’s requirements for the cloth, and make it not easy to scratch on the guide cloth wheel. Wrinkles, creases, at the same time, need to strictly control the setting process conditions.

① The setting temperature depends on the elastic shrinkage and thickness of the fabric. If the temperature is too high, the strong decrease is reduced, the elasticity is reduced, and the fabric may be discolored. The setting temperature is too low, the fabric is easy to curl, the width is unstable, and the shrinkage rate is large;

② The speed of the stereotype speed mainly depends on the length of the stereotype area and the stereotype. The speed is too fast to have the effect. The fine wrinkles during the dyeing process are not easy to solve. Slowly speed is especially under high temperature conditions. The fabric is yellowed and the elasticity decreases.

③ The super -fed of the setting. After determining the door width of the fabric, choose the appropriate super feeding and tension. It affects the weight of the fabric, elastic, and the arranging of the wrinkles of the fabric, such as small fabric tension, large feeding, cloth surface, cloth surface, cloth surface, cloth surface, cloth surface, cloth surface, cloth surface, cloth surface, cloth surface surface Injustice, it is difficult to eliminate the fine wrinkles produced by the fabric during the dyeing process. The tension is large, and the amount of super feeding will lead to the curling of the heat.

2. Setting conditions

In the pre -type of cotton amino amino amino fabrics, it should be taken into account that the fixed temperature adapted to the aminus silk produced by different manufacturers should be different. For example, the fixed temperature of the spandex is 190 ° C, and the fixed temperature of some other manufacturers produced is about 180 ° C. Generally, the content of the spandex content is below 5%, and the knitted fabrics that are not serious during the section can be directly stained after the predetermined type. Only the synthetic cylinder can be dyed, otherwise it will not be able to overcome the dyeing problem caused by the rolling edge.

When knitted fabrics are dyed, choose the appropriate cloth speed and the pressure of nozzle to achieve a better dyeing effect. Its weekly cutting time is suitable for 2 to 3 minutes. time.

Suzhou Leman Hydent Technology Co., Ltd., mainly engaged in fluoride waterproof, carbon eight waterproofing agents, carbon six waterproof agents, solvent waterproofing agents, mainly used in the fields of textile fabrics, leather, filter materials, paper mold plastics and other fields. With senior R & D team and rich application experience, you can customize personalized functional collation solutions according to the characteristics of fabrics and development needs. Various types of textile functional development consultation and technical exchange welcome email: info@lemanpolymer.cn

Post time: Jan-22-2024