
Fabric weights and small number algorithms and nuclear methods


The thickness of the yarn is the yarn. The indicators used to represent the fineness of the yarn are mainly S, D, N, Tex, DTEX, etc. Specific fabrics use specific specifications, which are more commonly used. And science and technology literature generally converts TEX.

Common indicators

1. Public system (NM) (fixed -centered system)

Public systems refer to 1g fiber or yarn, and the length of the length under the tide of the public is the public branch. The larger the value, the thinner the yarn. Public counts are mainly used in wool spinning and fancy yarns.

2. British mix (NE/S) (fixed -centered system)

The number of British branches refers to the multiple of 840 yards per pound of yarn when the tide is determined. The number of British systems is fixed, so the larger the yarn, the thinner the yarn.

3. Daniel (d) (fixed -length system)

Fiber refers to the public weight gram of 9,000 meters long fiber or yarn. The unit is Daniel, referred to as Dan. Commonly used for chemical fiber and silk. The larger the value, the thicker the fiber or yarn.

4. Tex (TEX)

Tax refers to the weight gram of 1,000 meters long fiber or yarn when the tide is closed. The larger the Tax value, the thicker the fiber or yarn.


Unit conversion

Conversion of Tewes (TEX) and Public System (N): Tex × N = 1000

The conversion of TEX (TEX) and Daniel (D): D = 9tex

Conversion of Tewes (TEX) and British branches (S cotton yarn): TEX × S = K

(K value: pure cotton yarn K = 583.1, purified fiber K = 590.5, polyester cotton gauze K = 587.6, cotton sticky yarn (75:25) k = 584.8, Vita cotton yarn (50:50) k = 587.0)

The conversion of Daniel (D) and British system (S): D × S = 5315

The conversion of Daniel (D) and public mitral (N): D × N = 9000


Unit conversion


The weight is the weight gram of the fabric per square meter. Generally speaking, the larger the same quality yarn, the larger the number, the greater the weight. The weight of the gray cloth and the finished product gram replacement, if calculated in the formula, there may be a large deviation from the actual situation. The main reasons are divided into two aspects. Sexual changes are processed from the gray fabric to the finished cloth. After various processes are dyed, the fabric has changed through physical and chemical changes, and variables increase. During the period, various types of machinery, processes, etc. are involved. Standards, so the weight of the gray cloth and the finished product weight conversion, each enterprise has its standards.

How to build a converter formula? It is recommended to collect the previous billets of the enterprise to the finished cloth, and then use the results of the most computers as the standard, and then use the company's production conditions to evaluate its practicality, and then order the conversion formula.

Example reference: (General cloth, generally weaving and rectification process) Black weight = order finished product weight X blanket weight coefficient

The cloth of the cloth is heavy

Planet 92% / Double Pearl 88% / Double -position 89% / Single Pearl 93% / Unit 89% / Pulling Flat Flawed 100% / Towel 106% / Double -sided 88% / Pull Ratin 91% / Robe 83% / Pulling Light Lantern Lantern Lantern Lantern Lantern Rui 92% / Lan Rui 87%



It refers to the weight of the area of the fabric unit, which is generally represented by the number of grams per square meter (G/m2). Business the simplest calculation method:

Unit conversion

For example: cotton fabrics are generally within the range of 70 ~ 250 g/m2;

Fan Liding (combed) wool fabric weighs around 185 g/m2;

Thick flower (thick comb) is about 280g/m2;

Thin silk fabrics are generally between 20 and 100 g/m2.


Black cloth is also one of the moral indicators to evaluate the physical properties of fabrics, which pays more attention to wool fabrics. In the "Ministry of the Ministry" standards of combing hair fabrics and hair type fiber fabrics, it stipulates that: The light weight of the square meter cannot exceed the allowable tolerance (specified as 5%), which is determined to be a first -class product; Second -class product.

> Calculate the "Ministry of Employment Standards" (deducting the retraine rate factors):

Unit conversion

In the formula: GK -Public Determination Return Rate (G/M2)

GO — Sample dry weight (g)

WK -Sample Public Determination Return (%)

L -Sample length (cm)

B -Sample width (CM)


> Public recking rate (wk) of common yarn (WK) excerpts as follows

Cotton yarn: 8.5% combing wool yarn: 16% thick combing yarn: 15% polyester/cotton yarn (65/35): 3.2%.

According to the approximation of fabric structural factors, the calculation method of estimating a square meter weight:

Unit conversion

In the formula:

NTT — Jing Saitks Number (Number)

NTW -Weisha Tax Number (Number)

PT — Meridity Derivation (Gen/10cm)

PW — Stomato density (root/10cm)


This calculation formula is approximately value. It does not consider the curvature, elongation, and the weight changes of the fabric during processing. (Note: Tax Number (Number) refers to: It is represented by the weight (g) with a 1000 -meter long yarn at the time of public recovery rate).

One square meter cotton cloth without dried weight:

Unit conversion

In the formula:

G -one square meter cotton cloth without slurry and dry weight (gram);

GJ — The dry weight of the meridian yarn of one square meter cotton (gram);

GW — The dry yarn of one square meter cotton is dry weight (gram);

PJ -Cotton's meridian density (root/10 cm)

PW -Corbal's weft veil density (root/10 cm);

GJ — Standard dried weight (gram/100 meters);

GW — Study -weising Dry Weight (G/100 meters);

FJ — Salarus Flying Flower Rate;

AJ -meridian shrinkage rate;

SJZ — The total extension rate of Jingchai;

AW —taisa shrinkage rate.



1. The standard dry weight (gram/100) of the Jing and Weisha spinning (gram/100) = public number number × 0.92166/10 or = 53.74/English system

2. Calculate the weight of the stock line according to the weight after the same.

3. The elongation rate of the yarn: The single gauze is calculated at 1.2%(where the tube is calculated at 0.5%, and the yarn is calculated at 0.7%). The Shangshui stock line is calculated at 0.3%below 0.3%, and 0.7%above 10 2 is calculated.

4. The elongation rate of indirect latitude yarn is small, but it can be slightly desperate.

5. The total flying rate of the yarn: The thick number (branch) fabric is calculated at 1.2%; the medium (branch) flat -grained fabric is calculated at 0.6%, and the oblique fabric is calculated at 0.9%; the fine (branch) fabric is 0.8%; Based by 0.6%.

6. The extension of the yarn, the total flying rate of the meridian, and the latitude and weft yarn are the basis for calculating the weight of the fabric of one square meter, not the specified indicator.


A simple way to use nuclear prices, workshop collar yarn estimation

Hundred meters of meridian = dense/macaron × door width × 0.0065

100 meters with latitude yarn = latitude/macaronal × door width × 0.0065

More reasonable: (for craftsman)


Hundred meters of meridian = (number of yarn numbers × total number of menstrual roots/(1-scaling rate))/10000 × 1.01

100 meters with latitude yarn = latitude yarn number × weares × 3.937 × (筘 筘+return)/100000 × 1.003

Return -Elastic gauze takes 12cm, Pu gauze takes 8cm

This formula is widely used in the convenient calculation of sales staff. The principle is correct, the calculation is simple, and the error is inevitable (is your so -called 101g/m2, is it absolutely correct? It must not, it is just more accurate).

The gray cloth square meter grams = (through the density+wearer) × 1.1 × 59/(2.54 × × gauze) = through the density × 1.1 × 59/(2.54 × gauze chip)+wearer × 1.1 × 59/(2.54 × yarn gauze branch).


a. Jing (Wei) Secret/2.54 -Conversion of British density into public density

b. Coefficient 1.1 —— is to comprehensively consider the reduction rate of meridians (weft), and the loss of yarn in the meridian (weft) is about 10%. Although there are deviations, it is not a big deal for convenient and fast calculation.

C.59/gauze -is to convert the British gauze as a public number. It integrates the conversion coefficient of 583.1 cotton 583.1, polyester 590.5, etc., and takes the coefficient of 590. Although there are errors, there is no major.

In summary: Out of A * B * C + Weiming to A * B * C = Precision + Weimi) * 1.1 * 59/(2.54 * yarn branch) =



The amount of yarn per meter = (through the dense+latitude) X0.065X finished door width X1.01

Example: 45S T/C*45ST/C 110*70 58/59 "Polyester cotton Matto (yarn price: 26,000 yuan/ton)

The amount of yarn in 100 meters = (110+70)/45x0.065x59x1.01=15.5kg/ 100 meters per meter yarn is 155g/m. The yarn dyeing fee is 8,000 yuan/ton, then the quotation per meter is: 15.5X (2.6+0.8) = 5.27 yuan/meter, plus 3 yuan/meter, the rear process is 1.00 yuan/meter, plus the profit of 0.5 yuan 0.5 yuan /Meters, the quotation is 10.00 yuan/meter.

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Post time: Jan-19-2024