
For the different ways of washing methods and times, the impact on the waterproof performance of textile fabrics

In order to deeply understand the impact of washing the waterproof performance of waterproof fabrics, and providing the industry with data reference data reference for changing waterproof fabric performance after washing, and also proposes consumers to compare and protect the waterproof performance of waterproofing fawed fabrics. Compare the waterproof performance changes after washing before washing, 4n and 4H programs of the same fabric. Data and basic principles are used to explore the reasons that affect the waterproof performance of fabrics. I hope to get a new type of material with washing, environmentally friendly and intelligent.


Test section


This article is tested according to the GB/T 4745 “Textile Waterproof Performance Detection and Evaluation Dipping Method” to show the waterproof performance of the fabric to the waterproof level.

The sample is washed according to GB/T 8629-2017 “Textile Test Family washing and drying procedures”.

In order to better discuss the effects of washing methods and the number of washing times on the waterproof performance of textiles, the 4n program in the product standard was selected to compare with a more eased 4h (imitation hand washing) program, and the pre -washing of the test sample was before and 4n program. After washing, the waterproof effect after washing after washing.


Results and discussions


1. Different washing methods The impact of the waterproof effect of the fabric randomly selects 8 waterproof fabrics. Each fabric is divided into 3 samples.

The first group of samples are not washed, and the waterproof level is directly tested;

The second group of samples was washed 3 times in accordance with the 4n program, and it was suspended after each washing;

The third group of samples were washed 3 times in 4h procedures.

The results before and after washing 3 times are shown in Table 1:


The effect of different washing methods on the quiet water pressure of the fabric
Group Before washing 4N program (3 washing) 4H program 3 washing
1 4 2 3
2 4.5 3 4
3 4 0 2
4 3 2 2
5 3.5 2 3
6 5 4 4.5
7 5 3 4
8 5 2 4


It can be seen from Table 1 that the waterproof effect (waterproof level) of different waterproof fabrics is large. However, it can be seen that the 8 test samples have the highest waterproof level before the sample washing and the best performance. The waterproofing levels measured by all samples decreased significantly, and the 4H program was washed 3 times after washing 3 times. Although the degree of waterproof performance of each waterproof fabric decreases differently, it can be concluded that the waterproof performance is: before washing> 4h after washing> 4n after washing.


2. The effects of different washing times on the effect of the waterproof effect of the fabric

Randomly select 5 waterproof fabrics again to test the impact of the waterproof performance of the washing fabric. Each waterproof fabric is divided into 4 groups of samples.

The first group of samples are not washed; the remaining three sets of samples are washed 1, 2, and 3 times according to the 4N program, and the suspension is dry. See Table 2:


Group Before washing 1 washed 2 washed 3 washed
1 5 3 3 2
2 4.5 4.5 4 3
3 3.5 2 2 2
4 5 3 3 2
5 4 2 0 0


It can be seen from Table 2 that the waterproofing effects of the five waterproof fabrics randomly selected are high, and the waterproof level after washing is significantly lower than before washing. The waterproof performance of the fabric decreases with the number of 4N programs washed. And from the table, the data can be seen intuitively that the waterproof performance of the first 4N washing fabric has the most impact.


3. the effect of the waterproof performance of the fabric on the washing process

In the entire washing program, the most impact on the performance of the fabric is the mixing method and the time parameters of the washing time, which is the main reason for the difference in waterproof performance. Figure 1 lists parameters: 4N and 4H.

Figure 1: Type A washing machine washing program parameter comparison diagram
serial number Mixing washing Drift 1 Drift 2 Drift 3 Drift 4
temperature/°C Water level/mm time/min cool down/mm Water level/mm time/min Water level/mm time/min Dehydration time/min Water level/mm time/min Dehydration time/min Water level/mm time/min Dehydration time/min
4N normal 40±3 100 15 - 130 3 130 3 - 130 2 - 130 2 5
4H soft 40±3 130 1 - 130 2 130 2 2 - - - - - -


It can be seen from Figure 1 that the 4N program is a normal mixing method, which is stronger than the soft way of 4h. The tears and stretching of the fabric are more serious, and the washing time of the 4n program is much higher than the 4h program. In addition, in the drift phase, the 4n program drift 4 times will also damage the film -proof molecular structure (as shown below), which causes the waterproof molecular structure of the fiber surface to be neatly arranged, which will affect the waterproof performance of the sample.water molecule

 During the washing process, the fabric will produce friction and flip. These external forces will cause irreversible damage to the waterproof cross -linking membrane of the fabric, and the water -resistant fabric’s water -resistant water will decrease. In addition to the damage caused by physical external forces, the wax or oil on the surface after washing and treatment is washed away, and the fiber is more likely to be wet by water droplets. This is also the reason for the sudden decline in waterproof performance before and after washing of functional fabrics.

LeMan Suzhou Polymer Technology Co., Ltd, mainly engaged in fluoride waterproof, carbon eight waterproofing agents, carbon six waterproof agents, solvent waterproofing agents, mainly used in the fields of textile fabrics, leather, filter materials, paper mold plastics and other fields. With senior R & D team and rich application experience, you can customize personalized functional collation solutions according to the characteristics of fabrics and development needs. Various types of textile functional development consultation and technical exchange welcome email: info@lemanpolymer.cn

Post time: Feb-18-2024