
How to improve the moisture absorption and perspiration performance of fabrics?

At present, there are three directions for fabrics to have moisture wicking and other functions:

a.The fabric has both moisture absorption and perspiration (quick-drying) functions; for example, moisture-absorbent quick-drying clothes, such fabrics require fast moisture absorption and quick drying; test items generally include water absorption, drip diffusion time, wicking height, Five items, including evaporation rate and moisture vapor permeability, are also tested using the dynamic moisture transfer method (this method requires high instrumentation). This type of fabric is mainly polyester fabric, and nylon fabric and cotton fabric are difficult to achieve quick drying.

b.The fabric is only required to have moisture absorption function; the test items include water absorption, dripping diffusion time, and wicking height. Customers usually mainly test the dripping diffusion time. Polyester, nylon, and cotton fabrics can be used for this type of fabric.

c. The fabric is only required to have quick-drying function; the test items include evaporation rate and moisture permeability, and polyester fabrics are generally used.

So for fabric production companies, how to improve the moisture absorption and perspiration function of fabrics?


Our LeMan Suzhou Polymer has summarized the following points for your reference:

First, it is necessary to understand the influence of fabric fiber composition on moisture absorption and perspiration. For example, polyester fiber can achieve good moisture absorption and perspiration (quick-drying) effects; while nylon and cotton fibers can achieve good moisture absorption and perspiration (quick-drying) effects. Good moisture absorption effect, but it is difficult to achieve good quick-drying properties at the same time.

Second, it is necessary to understand that different tissue structures of the same fiber have a great impact on moisture absorption and perspiration. For example, polyester pongee and polyester taffeta have very good dripping and diffusion times, but the wicking height is very different.The test results are shown in The following table:

Test items

Poly Pongee

Polyester Taffeta

Drip diffusion time



Suction height



Third, in order for the fabric to achieve good hygroscopicity, it is recommended that the desizing and oil removal process during fabric production remove as much oil and sizing agent from the fabric as possible, which will help enhance the hygroscopicity and hydrophilicity of the fabric.

Fourth, choose a suitable moisture-wicking (quick-drying) agent. Different moisture-wicking agents have different effects on fabric improvement, and the structures of moisture-wicking agents for nylon and polyester are also different; therefore, choose the right one. The moisture-absorbing and perspirant agent is more conducive to the hygroscopicity and quick-drying properties of the fabric.

Fifth, choose the appropriate finishing process. Anyone who has done moisture wicking finishing of fabrics knows that general moisture wicking agents will reduce the color fastness of the fabric; therefore, it is necessary to choose the appropriate finishing process to ensure the moisture wicking effect while maintaining the color fastness as much as possible. Color fastness.

Sixth, pay attention to the inspection before, during and after production of bulk products; customers generally attach importance to post-production inspection, but this alone is not enough. To achieve a good moisture-wicking effect of fabrics, you also need to pay attention to the inspection before bulk production. Proofing and testing in the laboratory to see if it can meet customer requirements; pay attention to testing in production (simple testing method in production: dripping water from the fabric penetrates immediately). Testing in production is conducive to timely adjustment of the production formula process.

If you do the above 6 points, the moisture wicking function of the fabric can generally meet the customer’s requirements. Even if it cannot be achieved due to fabric composition and structure reasons, you can still communicate with the customer in advance to adjust the requirements to avoid customer claims.

Leman Suzhou Polymer Technology Co., Ltd. is specializing in functional finishing auxiliaries for fabrics. Leman can currently provide one-stop services for fabric moisture wicking orders. In addition to having application and testing laboratories for Leman waterproofing agents, we There is also a team of engineers who have been engaged in the auxiliary industry, printing and dyeing industry for more than 12 years and have rich experience in application and theory. Leman is willing to become a trustworthy partner of textile factories with professional services and best efforts.

Post time: Nov-01-2023