
How to prevent “flashing color” in cotton/brocade dyeing

Flash color

On the surface, the flashing phenomenon is that the color of the cotton fiber and the color of the nylon fiber is inconsistent, that is, the color is uneven. The root cause is caused by some cotton dye dyes to nylon dye. In actual production, the primary and second -colored color can make full use of the characteristics of competitive dyeing, so that cotton fiber and nylon are dyed more pure colors. The color is relatively flat and effective. However, it is difficult to dye the two fibers at the same time to the same color at the same time, and the flash color phenomenon is severe. It can be solved from the following three aspects.


Generally, the dyes of cotton (such as active dyes and direct dyes) have certain competitive dyes for nylon. Choosing a new dye that does not contain nylon can solve the problem of competitive dyeing.


In order to prevent bidding for nylon, you can choose a special anti -dye -dye -stained anti -dye in cotton/brocade fabric.


Active dye dyeing is generally solid in the pH value above LL. The optimal dyeing pH value of acid dyeing nylon is usually 5.5 to 6.0. That is, dyeing under acidic conditions. The opposite side of the two process conditions make the active dyes that have been dyed on the cotton fiber, which is stripped to varying degrees while dyeing nylon, which brings great difficulties to the imitation color. Choose a gentle and neutral dye instead of acid -based dyes with a mild dyeing conditions. The pH value of neutral dye dyeing is about 6.5, which has less impact on the active dyes, so that the three colors such as green, iron, gray, and brown can get better. The same color effect.


Second, color flower

Cotton/brocade wakes are dyed in and dark. The activity/acidic two -bath method is stained. According to the characteristics of the process, the stage of coloring flowers can be divided into two stages: cotton -dyeing and dyeing brocade flowers.

1. Prevention and control of color flowers in the cotton stage

1.1 Pre -processing of cotton/brocade fabric before processing is the main reason for cotton -dyeing. The following processing generally uses the following three methods:

A. Pre -dyeing machine Treatment: Large amount of liquid, high rolling temperature, small tension, not easy to produce wrinkles, and the effect of cooking is better. However, it should be noted that in addition to the materials in place, the temperature in the groove cannot be rose rapidly, avoiding wrinkles in the nylon wire. From the first to the second lane, it must be gradually warmed to above 95 ° C; after constant, the number of processing channels is above eight, and after the roll is returned, the flat washing machine was fully washed to ensure the effect of cooking.

B. Cold pile processing. The temperature is low, the response conditions are mild, and the treatment effect is not as good as the rolled dyeing machine. It must be strictly controlled during short steaming, and it is not suitable for the steam of the track box, otherwise the stack of wrinkles will be created.

C. Pre -dyeing machine before processing: This is a traditional processing method. The effect is ideal, but it is necessary to strictly control the process. The rate of 1 ° C/min must gradually heat up; the front and rear valves of the overflow and staining machine must be moderately controlled, and the cloth speed must not be too fast. Unexplained.

1.2 dye

Due to the different affinity of different dyes on the fiber, the difference in dye dyeing rates on fiber dyes are caused, and if various process conditions are not controlled properly, color flowers and cylinders will be produced. Therefore, when formulating the dyeing process, the performance of dyes must be fully considered. The dye -to -dye color combined with good dye is used as much as possible, and a uniform dye is added at the same time.

1.3 Operations during the splendid dyeing process

Due to improper operation, such as inadequate sizes, improper adjustment of the water flow valve switch before and after the water flow valve. The fabric flows in the cylinder poorly, and the cloth is blocked, causing uneven color flowers on the fabric. Therefore, the operator adjusts the mechanical and equipment according to the organizational specifications of the fabric and formulates reasonable parameters to ensure that the fabric runs smoothly in the cylinder.

2. Prevention and control of color flowers in the staged phase

2.1 The cloth surface of the cloth with an uniform cloth surface with uniform base causes inconsistent flowers on the acid dye of the cloth surface and color flowers. In response to this situation, before dyeing nylon in actual production, use 2 ~ 3g/L cleaning agent to neutralize and wash one to make the pH value uniform and weakly acidic, so as to avoid incompleteness of alkali and color flowers. Essence

2.2 pH value has a great impact on the dyeing rate of acidic dyes. When the pH value is less than 3, the nylon will be hydrolyzed and a strong decrease. In actual production, if the pH value is controlled too high, when it is greater than 6, the dye is slow, long, and inadequate; when the pH value is less than 5, the dye dyeing is fast, which is easy to produce uneven color flowers. Therefore, controlling the pH value at 5.5 ~ 6.0 can ensure uniformly dyeing. Adding 0.5 ~ 1.5g/L dyed stabilizer M-215 can reduce the fluctuation of the pH value.

2.3 The temperature of the temperature dyeing bath is proportional to the dyeing rate of acid dyes. The higher the temperature, the faster the upper dyeing speed. Especially when the temperature reaches 80 ° C, the dyeing rate will be faster, which will easily produce color flowers. For the temperature characteristics, add a heat preservation stage during the production of large goods. The light color is 50-60 ° C, and the insulation is L5 to 20min. The heating rate should be 1 ℃/min.

2.4 Chelating dispersant Water quality may not be chelated without cheese, and the water quality difference can be added with 0.5 ~ 1.5g/L chelated dispersant M-175.

2.5 Dye dyeing should be dyed when dyeing .0 5 ~ 2g/L. The nylon dye is bisexual ions, which is a two -proof dye. It can be combined with nylon, eliminating the differences in nylon fiber affinity, and has a good nylon dyeing horizontal strip covering performance. It can also be combined with dye relaxation. It has a good mild dyeing and dyeing effect, and it will not affect the ultimate color. For color strip fabrics, pre -cooked practice can be used. For color flowers and severe fabrics, they can be repaired with their dyeing.

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Post time: Jan-29-2024