
Waterproof testing terms: WP, MAP, WR, DWR, MP

Static water pressure (WP):

1. Introduction

Static water pressure WaterProofness: The outdoor material industry is accustomed to water resistance. The unit is expressed by MMH2O. If the water pressure is 5000mmH2O, the maximum unit area can withstand 5m pressure without leakage.

2. Common test standards

US standard Aatcc 127;

Daily standard JIS L1092B;

European standard: IS0 811;

3. Test method:

Test two methods before and after washing the water pressure test:

Before washing test: Domestic outdoor brands generally test the water pressure resistance value before washing. After the washing value, the water pressure resistance value decreased very much after washing, and it may drop by about 1000-3000mmH2O;

After washing: The famous outdoor brands abroad are usually tested with water pressure after washing 5 times. The timeFace even uses water to test it after 20 times of washing. Due to the test after multiple washing The method is that any coating plant or film composite plant must be processed with better materials. For example, the coating material is required to reach 5000mmH2O after washing 5 times. The price is higher!


Breathable (MAP):

1. Introduction:

Methodairpermemeability: It means that the air is used to calculate the permeability of the air flow through the sample of the airflow of the sample to give the area vertically under the specified pressure difference conditions. The airflow rate can be measured directly, and it can also be obtained by measured the pressure on both sides of the flow pore diameter.

2. Test standards:

US standard ASTM D737

European standard ISO 9237

Daily standard JIS L1096;

The breathable unit is expressed by MM/S, CM3/CM2/S;


Anti -splashing water:


Under the standard laboratory, use distilled water to spray on the sample through the funnel, and rated the score scores in the waterproof standard sample.

2. Test standards:

Beauty standard: Aatcc 22;

European standard: ISO 4920;

3. Waterproof water is divided into three types: Waterrepel 1, abbreviated as: W/R), durablewaterRepellet outdoor material industry is used to super splash water, abbreviated as: DWR).


Humidity (MP):

1. Introduction:

MoistureProofness is abbreviated as: MP), and the humid -wetting unit G/M2/24H indicates that under a certain standard laboratory conditions, a specific humidity difference is formed on both sides of the sample. On the dry side, by determining the amount of dampness cup weight over time, it is possible to find parameters such as the water steam rate of the sample.

2. Test standards and test methods:

Two test methods: Morning Cups and Pour Cups;

Main Cup method: US standard ASTM E96 A, C, E; Daily standard JIS L1099 A1;

Pour cup method: US standard ASTM-E96, daily standard test JIS L1099b1;

This test uses pre -washing data!


The difference between dampness and breathable:

Domestic outdoor practitioners and outdoor enthusiasts call dampness and dampness and dampness, or call the wetness and breathable directly. It is incorrect and rigorous to confuse these two vocabulary. The concept of concept requires differences and correctly understanding; fabrics with three functional indicators with waterproof, wetting, and breathable functional indicators are called waterproof and humid fabrics, and also called windproof waterproof and humidity and humidity fabrics. Come, the sweat inside is discharged through the pores of the coating and membrane!

Post time: Apr-03-2024